Expert system of selection assistance of service plants
SIMSERV was created to optimize the selection of species candidates to one or more services while shortening the time of selection. Basing itself on the technology of the expert systems, this approach offers the advantage of capitalizing expert knowledge in an exploitable and reusable database.
SIMSERV calculates for each plant of service, an aptitude to do a service in a given context. The context is defined by the user who seized in a form:
- a required service,
- a piece answering agroecological and socio-economic characteristics,
- a mode of establishment - in rotation or association
- a culture of revenue.
The expert system crosses the data of the context with information of the database, in order to define the capacity, for each plant, to do the service or not. The method of calculating is based on the model of multi criteria aggregation. The selection process division is called “decision tree”.
Three user profiles are given in the application: the administrator builds the decision tree, the expert assigns values to the indicators to describe the cultures of revenue and the service plants, and the user makes in the same way to describe his pieces then chooses a context.
The tool then returns to the user the results in table containing for each plant of service, the name and the qualitative note obtained for the selected service. The service plants are classified the best with ready to do the service, in answer to the selected context.